Identity of EYEVAN – Wear an Original Perspective
EYEVAN Brand book
Identity of EYEVAN - Wear an Original Perspective
Creative Direction: Rak
Producer: Maho Fujita
Text: Sawako Fukai (SW_)
Photography: Ola Rindal, Taisuke Koyama, Marcelo Gomes
Photo Coordination: JAPAN PHOTO AWARD
Product Photography: Toru Oshima
English Proofreading: Tom Buggs
Proofreading: Kaoru Mori
Printing: HAKKO BIJYUTSU Co., Ltd.
ジャパン・メイドの確かなクオリティと洗練されたデザインを進化させ、ファッションアイウェアの可能性を追い求めてきた。今、EYEVANが提唱するコンセプトは“Wear an Original Perspective”。
EYEVAN has created new values in eyewear throughout its history. Developing its reliable, quality Japanese craftsmanship and sophisticated design over the years, EYEVAN has pushed new boundaries of fashion eyewear.
Today, EYEVAN proposes the brand concept “Wear an Original Perspective”—to select eyewear of your choice, to wear your original perspective amid this chaotic world. We look back at the past 50 years from where we are today to what’s next on the journey in the exploration of EYEVAN’s identity.
Published by: EYEVAN Inc.